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Image by Geranimo

Giavest™ Capital Mortgage Investment Corporation

Giavest™ Capital Mortgage Investment Corporation ("Giavest") provides investors with the opportunity to passively invest in commercial mortgages. Generating a historical compounded annual yield over 9%* while currently holding 100% first mortgages, Giavest targets a diverse range of opportunities from commercial to residential real estate, including raw land, multi-family, infills, office, industrial, and retail. This diverse and flexible approach allows Giavest to identify attractive opportunities in some of the strongest real estate markets in Canada.


*The historical compound annual yield for Class A Shares of Giavest Capital MIC at September 30, 2024 and the most current month exceeds 9% and is net of all fees and expenses, unaudited and prepared by Carecana Management Corp. Annual compound yield is calculated as the (ending value/beginning value)^(12/number of months)-1 with the assumption that dividend reinvestment is compounded at Net Asset Value per Class A Share. Past performance may not be repeated and there are no guarantees of future performance. Visit for complete details of the most recent performance of Giavest Capital MIC, including simple yield and yield since inception, which differ from the annual compound yield.

How it Works

Giavest is structured as a Mortgage Investment Corporation (“MIC”). Investors purchase shares of Giavest – an investment fund which acquires and maintains a portfolio of mortgages. Therefore, a MIC structure provides a tax-efficient opportunity to indirectly participate and passively invest in the real estate lending market.

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If you are interested in placing an investment or would like to learn more, please contact us. For more information, you may also access the official Giavest Website.

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