Three Decades of Facilitating Lending in Western Canadian Commercial Real Estate Financing
Since 1994, CareVest has delivered quality investment opportunities through specialized real estate lending and over its history, has funded well in excess of $2.1 billion dollars.
CareVest has successfully delivered prudential returns to investors for over 30 years by providing mortgage secured lending opportunities in commercial real estate.​
As a non-bank lender, CareVest facilitates solutions to achieve flexible and competitive financing terms that allow developers and other property owners to build and create prosperous real estate communities.
Delivering Results for Investors
Historical Compound Annual Yield Over 9%*
Giavest™ Capital Mortgage Investment Corporation targets short-term commercial mortgage investment opportunities across Western Canada, generating a historical compound annual return over 9%* per year.
*The historical compound annual yield for Class A Shares of Giavest Capital MIC at September 30, 2024 and the most current month exceeds 9% and is net of all fees and expenses, unaudited and prepared by Carecana Management Corp. Annual compound yield is calculated as the (ending value/beginning value)^(12/number of months)-1 with the assumption that dividend reinvestment is compounded at Net Asset Value per Class A Share. Past performance may not be repeated and there are no guarantees of future performance. Visit www.carecanacorp.com for complete details of the most recent performance of Giavest Capital MIC, including simple yield and yield since inception, which differ from the annual compound yield.
©2024 by CareVest Group
Investment Fund Manager and Restricted Portfolio Manager
Exempt Market Dealer
Investor Relations
1 (855) 278-3611
Vancouver Office
Suite 1150, 510 Burrard St,
Vancouver, BC V6C 3A8
​(604) 632-9919​
Calgary Office
Suite 1450, 555 4th Ave SW,
Calgary AB T2P 3E7​
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